We are commercial distributors for El Transcantábrico, Costa Verde Express, Tren Al Ándalus, El Expreso de La Robla, and Transiberian…

Office hours

M-F 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

(0034) 913 095 131

M-F: 09:30 - 14:30 / 16:30 - 19:30

C/Ricardo Ortiz 14, Madrid (Spain)

Process Payments
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Process Payment

We guarantee the security of the data sent through the Secure Server of Banco BBVA, and that your personal data will not be shared by any other company.

Payment Formalization

To make the payment, you will access the Secure Payment Server of Banco BBVA, where you must provide details related to your bank card (the accepted cards are VISA, 4B, and MasterCard)

We guarantee a safe purchase with a credit card through the virtual POS of Banco BBVA.

Once you have chosen the itinerary and to formalize the reservation, you must pay the deposit indicated by the commercial advisor who processed your reservation or the total amount depending on the proximity of the departure date of the cruise.

Enter the following details (*).

Payments Costa Verde Express - BBVA

Order code Must be between 4 and 8 characters
Order Description Must have less than 125 characters
Quantity to pay Must specify a quantity